Canterbury which county

All rights reserved. After which, king Edward IV. Thomas, and his cousin Edward, late prince of Wales, lay buried; and the fidelity and laudable service, wisdom, industry, and courage of the mayor and citizens of Canterbury, to him and his progenitors, kings of England, especially to himself of late, to their no small charge and jeopardy; therefore for these and many other causes, he granted and confirmed to them all former charters, liberties, and customs, especially those of king Henry IV.

Moreover, hearing of the grievous and lamentable complaint of the then mayor and citizens, that this city and the inhabitants of it were fallen into great poverty, as well by the great and chargeable payment of the fee farm from it of sixty pounds, as by their great and chargeable costs and expences in resisting his enemies invading the realm in those parts near it, and other necessary charges happening to the city; and that the fewness of the inhabitants in it were so much impoverished and wasted, that they must leave the city, though God forbid it, clearly depopulated, except they were graciously succoured; which he, of his abundant grace, being willing to do, and to further this city, released and remitted to the mayor and citizens 16l.

And he further granted to them, in help of the said payment of 43l. And for the greater tranquility, profit, and increase of the citizens, he of his better grace, granted and confirmed to the mayor and citizens, that in future, the city, with the suburbs without Northgate, and the suburbs without Riding-gate, Burgate, Newingate, Quiningate, Worgate, and Westgate, of the city; and that parcel, hamlet, or village of Winecheap, with other suburbs; and all the precinct of the city, suburbs, and parcel aforesaid, which were of the liberties, and within the liberty of the city at that time, or of old time had been.

The hamlet of Staplegate within the city, parcel of the village of Westgate without the city, then of the fee of the archbishop, and the castle of Canterbury, always excepted. Which city and suburbs, parcel and precinct, except before excepted, were then in the county of Kent, but should in future be one whole county by itself corporate, in deed and name, and distinct, and utterly separate from the said county of Kent, and should be named and called the county of the city of Canterbury, for ever.

And he also granted that the bailiff of the city should be sheriff of it, and take the oath of sheriff accordingly; that the mayor should certify such nomination under his seal into chancery; the sheriff should hold monthly courts on a Thursday; that all writs should be directed to him, and he should have the retrun thereof as such, and should make up his account before the barons of the exchequer yearly. And he granted that the mayor should be escheator, and to take the oath before the mayor, his predecessor, and two of the aldermen at the least; and that the mayor and commonalty should have in help towards the said payment of 43l.

To which charter were witnesses, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, primate of all England and legate of the apostolic see, and many others. It is dated on August 2d, in the year before mentioned, and indorsed on the back, by the same king and of the date aforesaid, by authority of parliament, and for 10l.

After which, king Henry VII. Canterbury is easily accessible by both road and rail, please try our UK Travel Guide for further information. Each itinerary would take approximately 1 day to complete, but can be adapted to fit a half day visit if necessary.

Take a walking tour of Canterbury with an official guide Tel finishing at the Visitor Information Centre in the Buttermarket. Enjoy a hearty lunch at a local pub or restaurant and then walk it off with a visit to the unmissable and unequalled Canterbury Cathedral. Walk along the city walls to the ruins of Canterbury Castle in Castle Street.

Return to the High Street and head for the West Gate Museum and an unrivalled view over Canterbury from the battlements. Enjoy lunch in a local pub or restaurant and then head back into the city centre and enjoy a stroll around the cathedral precincts and a visit to the cathedral. Enjoy a cream tea in one of the nearby coffee shops. Explore the hidden Roman Canterbury that exists beneath street level with a visit to the Roman Museum in Butchery Lane.

Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, the River Medway was used by the Royal Navy to once again protect British shores from invasion. Forts were built along the coast and much ship building was carried out in Chatham Dockyard, on the banks of the Medway. During the Second World War, the skies above Kent became the location for large parts of the Battle of Britain, as British aircraft fought off attacks focused on nearby London. One of the earliest Christian buildings in England, Canterbury cathedral has an international reputation for its religious importance and historical significance.

Its Gothic style spires, decorative font, and beautiful stained glass windows draw visitors from around the world. Away from the cathedral the narrow and winding streets have a unique atmosphere from a different era. The city centre is still partially surrounded by the original walls built by the Normans as defence against invaders. At FineLine Windows, we enjoy an enviable location in the heart of Kent. Our two stylish showrooms are conveniently located in Maidstone and Dartford respectively.

Our installation teams work across the county and have worked on many properties in Canterbury itself. One of our friendly advisors will be happy to offer you advice on the best solutions for your home improvement plans.

When you want to make the most out of your Canterbury home, choose FineLine Windows. We have the knowledge and experience to provide you with exactly what you need.

Our staff are expertly trained to guide and advise you. We offer you a 10 Year Guarantee.


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