Can you be attracted to someones voice

Like Zimmerman, I too have found myself on a few dates I realized were going nowhere as soon as the guy opened his mouth — not necessarily because of what he had to say, but simply how he sounded saying it.

Repeatedly, conversations both surrounding and within the show return to voice. As Zimmerman noted, a study found that both men and women altered their voices when speaking to prospective mates. Attraction is a projection of fantasy. He wanted to test whatever illusion of me he had built based on my profile photos and comments. If the reality of my voice was going to shatter that fantasy, he wanted to know before wasting an entire evening. Logically, I know the disillusionment is probably on its way anyway, so why rush it?

This article was featured in the InsideHook newsletter. Sign up now. Sign up for InsideHook to get our best content delivered to your inbox every weekday. And awesome. Popular at InsideHook. Chicago Los Angeles New York. So one reason you are attracted to the way someone talks is because of the phonetic convergence that has occurred with both of you in time. Believe it or not, a certain voice tone can make a person look more attractive than they really are.

There is a general myth that guys that look good have deep voices. When you hear a deep, confident, and sexy voice, it gives you a clue that the person's body is also attractive.

You can also tell if they are smart, beautiful, or wretched street person. You might also be able to figure out if they are married and pretending to get you.

No doubt, the voice of a person says a lot about them—mostly the tone in which they speak. When a person speaks calmly and gently, you may later find out he or she is an introvert or a really gentle soul. On the flip side, someone that shouts when they speak often ends up being the real life of the party.

Voices can reveal vibe and chemistry. A person's voice can tell a bit about their fitness level and sexual performance. There is a correlation between the way men talk and their strength. This is because testosterone production influences a man's voice and can also give him more muscle.

This particular point is why some guys use voice manipulation or change the pitch of their voice to impress the girl. This stereotype isn't just for men alone. Many women also change their voices to impress guys. They pretend to have a calm voice whenever they meet a guy for the first time. And in most cases, the changes in their voices are so much to turn the guy on. Certainly, there is something really fascinating about voices.

Think of that deep or soft voice in your ears during make-out or sex; it's a crazy drive. It's probably not just about the way a person talks but also the things they say. Maybe the reason you find a man's or woman's voice attractive is that you can also detect their emotional, social, and mental status from their words. Believe it or not, many people fall in love with a person just based on the words they say. Who wouldn't find a deep sultry voice attractive? Who wouldn't feel that tiny tingle of lust hearing such a voice?

Voices are a powerful aspect of attraction, and they can drive one's imagination wild. A gorgeous mellifluous voice can attract anyone. There was a time I met a guy on Facebook, and we started chatting on the phone.

I was honestly catching feelings already until I finally saw him in person and everything just died. There was no form of attraction after that.

Your differences may become obvious after your phone call. You might see some qualities you don't like in the person, and you can know this from just examining the voices of people. You can sense a person's personality from speaking to them, and the boldness they communicate with.

Your words say a lot, you know that moment when honest desire meets with a deep sexy voice, and you are just sure you want to spend your life with this person.

That's exactly what can happen to you when you hear the right person talk. So how could this relate to physical attraction? One proposed explanation of phonetic convergence, the similarity attraction hypothesis , is that people try to be more similar to those they are attracted to.

So, in an effort to be more similar to someone we are interested in, we may start to talk more similarly and maximise the chances they will also find us attractive. Phonetic convergence can occur in a much shorter time. In another experiment , researchers brought previously unacquainted pairs of participants into the lab to complete a task. Both partners have a map, but only one has the route drawn on their map. Their job is to describe the route to their partner so they can draw it, without using pointing or other gestures, only words.

The researchers found convergence occurred in the session and even persisted after participants had completed the experimental task. The great news is these changes happen automatically and unconsciously. When we face an attractive partner, our voices and speech are modified to sound more attractive and alike. So during a conversation with that special someone, your voice may be doing the hard work to let them know you are interested, which may increase your chances of getting a second date.

Festival of Social Science — Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire.


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