Amber cole where to find video

Attempts to get more information about the Amber Cole video lead back to several unrelated videos with links to bizarre blogs. Attempting to find out more information on the Twitter feed of the girl who posted the YouTube reaction is another dead end. One Web site, straightfromthea.

However, if you check out AmberCole on Twitter, nobody really knows who she is. A link promising more information from jordanndotcom's tweet goes to a page that Twitter has flagged as being unsafe.

Whether this is a big publicity stunt for Jordann Marie or not remains unclear. One year-old girl talked about a strategy used by some male classmates to get sexual favors:. The boys involved with Cole seem to have played the same game, using manipulation to exploit a young girl starved for affection.

Have these boys come to believe that girls exist purely to be exploited for sexual pleasure and, and in some cases, bragging rights on the Internet? Consider also the same survey found that one in five black boys said that other people make them feel like sex is the only they have to offer anyone.

What happened was likely more akin to coercion, and a feeling of sexual powerlessness that many young girls are trapped by every day, without the attention of cameras and Twitter. The incident only magnifies more findings of the Essence teen sex survey — that one-third of black girls believe boys only want them for sex, and nearly 1 in 4 black girls have had sex with a boy because they were afraid of losing him. Also consider that 72 percent of young African-Americans believe that the media sends the message that the most important quality of black women is their sex appeal.

Anna Belle, using the Twitter hashtag AmbersArmy, has been on a round-the-clock campaign to get all the links to the video removed, with some success.

The Memphis Police Department is also now looking into the video , saying that no one has been charged yet, but that their Sex Crimes Unit is investigating. In the best case scenario, authorities will find and prosecute the person who originally recorded and distributed the video. The boys will learn a hard lesson about sex, privacy and exploitation, And Cole will find help in dealing with issues of self-esteem and sexual agency.


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